一、本刊為季刊,每年 3 、 6 、 9 、 12 月出刊。
二、本刊為一專業學術性刊物,旨在鼓勵學術研究,園地對外公開,凡與中華民國史、臺灣史等相關議題之未出版研究論文(以20,000 字為原則,最長不超過40,000字)、研究討論以10,000字為原則,最長不超過20,000字、書評(以3,000字為原則,最長不超過5,000字)及研究概況最長不超過5,000字),均歡迎投稿。
三、來稿請勿同時分投至國內外其他刊物。 稿件一經受理,即使作者自行撤稿,本刊一律以退稿論。
四、投稿時請附作者基本資料(中英文姓名、中英文服務單位職稱、聯絡方式及稿費寄達之詳細地址)、英文篇名論文另附中、英文摘要(中文以400字為原則,英文不超過1頁),中、英文關鍵詞(35個)。請按「國史館館 刊論文寫作格式」撰寫,格式請參閱本刊各期附件或從本館網站下載。來稿 請用 Word 檔及 PDF 檔,以電子郵件寄達。
五、本刊以紙本形式發行,必要時則另以PDF 檔製作網路版及光碟版電子書。
七、稿件經本刊編輯委員會議審查通過後,當即陸續排印,並致稿酬。稿酬之計算,論文每千字1,050元,稿費計算最高以20,000字為限;研究討論每千字850元,稿費計算最高以20,000字為限;研究概況每千字750元,稿費計算最高以5,000字為限;書評每千字750元,稿費計算最高以5,000字為限。來稿刊出後,致贈論文、研究討論作者該期2冊及抽印本30本,致贈書評、研究概況作者該期 1 冊。
Bulletin of Academia Historica
Notes for Contributors
1. Bulletin of Academia Historica is an academic publication of four issues a year (March, June, September and December) for the purpose of promoting research. It is open to all potential contributors in the areas of Republic of China history, Taiwan history, etc. Research papers, critical essays on particular areas of scholarship, book reviews, and overview articles of historical materials or research literature are all welcome, but they should not have been published before.
2.The average length of research papers is 20,000 words, and should not exceed 40,000 words. Critical essays and book reviews should be kept within the range of 10,000-20,000 words and 3,000-5,000 words respectively. Overview articles should not exceed 5,000 words. Please follow the format of this Bulletin, which can be accessed from our website.
3. Manuscripts submitted to this Bulletin must not be submitted to other publications at the same time. Along with your manuscript, please provide your personal data (name, affiliated institution, address or telephone number, etc.), title of the manuscript, your English name, a 400-word abstract in both Chinese and English, and 3-5 key words. Please submit your manuscript both in Word form and PDF form.
4. Manuscripts submitted will be sent to two reviewers, critical essays, book reviews and overview articles will be sent to one reviewer for review according to the criteria covered in “Manuscript Review Sheet of Academia Historica”: theoretical or academic value, research methodology, research materials, organization and structure, language and style. The reviews will be discussed by “the Research Review Committee of Academia Historica.” If necessary, a third reviewer will be consulted.
5. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will be put to print, with the word file provided by the author.
6. The authors of research papers and critical essays will also receive two copies of the Bulletin and 30 off-prints, but those of book reviews and overview articles will receive one copy of the Bulletin.
7. Any plagiarism is the total responsibility of the author. This Bulletin does not deal with such matters.
8. Manuscripts should be submitted to:
The Editing Committee of Bulletin of Academia Historica
No. 2, Sec. 1, Changsha St.,
Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10048
Taiwan, Republic of China
Or by e-mail address of bah@drnh.gov.tw